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Updated: 01/25/2024
8451900000Parts of machines of heading no.84.51
CIQ Code »101:Other printing and dyeing machinery and its parts (illegal inspection) 102:Complete sets of equipment in the textile industry (illegal inspection) 103:Other clothing processing equipment and its parts (illegal inspection)
Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Usage (Applicable to XX brand XX machines or general XX machines, etc.);3:Brand (in Chinese or in foreign language);4:Model;5:GTIN;6:CAS;7:Other;
Goods under this HS code »
UnitkilogramGen (General Tariff Rate)20MFN (Most-favored Nation)8
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. ImportsExport Tax Rebate13
Regulations & RestrictionsInspection & QuarantineConsumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC Certificate -In-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

Customs Tariffs and Restrictions Information Integration System >>

8441100000Paper cutting machines
CIQ Code »999:Complete sets of equipment in the light industry (illegal inspection)
Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Usage;3:Brand (in Chinese or in foreign language);4:Model;5:GTIN;6:CAS;7:Other;
Goods under this HS code »
Unitset/kilogramGen (General Tariff Rate)50MFN (Most-favored Nation)12
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. ImportsExport Tax Rebate13
Regulations & RestrictionsInspection & QuarantineConsumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC Certificate -In-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

Customs Tariffs and Restrictions Information Integration System >>

8452909900Other parts for sewing machines of non household type(other than rotating shuttles)
CIQ Code »999:Sewing machine parts (illegal inspection)
Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Usage (Applicable to XX brand XX machines or general XX machines, etc.);3:Brand (in Chinese or in foreign language);4:Model;5:GTIN;6:CAS;7:Other;
Goods under this HS code »
UnitkilogramGen (General Tariff Rate)80MFN (Most-favored Nation)8
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. ImportsExport Tax Rebate13
Regulations & RestrictionsInspection & QuarantineConsumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC Certificate -In-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

Customs Tariffs and Restrictions Information Integration System >>

4707900090Other recovered paper or paperboard, including unsorted waste and scrap
CIQ Code »999:Waste paper
Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Category (unbleached waste Kraft paper, waste newspaper, etc.);3:Origin criteria and mark (USA waste, EU waste, HK waste, etc.);4:Contracting date;5:GTIN;6:CAS;7:Other;
Goods under this HS code »
UnitkilogramGen (General Tariff Rate)8MFN (Most-favored Nation)0
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. Imports25Export Tax Rebate0
Regulations & Restrictions9BInspection & QuarantineM.P/QConsumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC Certificate -In-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

Customs Tariffs and Restrictions Information Integration System >>

4819100000Cartons, boxes and cases, of corrugated paper or paperboard
CIQ Code »999:Other paper and paper products (illegal inspection)
Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Materials (corrugated paper or cardboard);3:GTIN;4:CAS;5:Other;
Goods under this HS code »
UnitkilogramGen (General Tariff Rate)80MFN (Most-favored Nation)5
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. ImportsExport Tax Rebate13
Regulations & Restrictions Inspection & QuarantineConsumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC Certificate -In-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

Customs Tariffs and Restrictions Information Integration System >>

4821900000Other labels of paper or paperboard
CIQ Code »999:Other paper and paper products (illegal inspection)
Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Materials;3:Degree of processing (printed, non-printed);4:GTIN;5:CAS;6:Other;
Goods under this HS code »
UnitkilogramGen (General Tariff Rate)50MFN (Most-favored Nation)6
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. ImportsExport Tax Rebate13
Regulations & RestrictionsInspection & QuarantineConsumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC Certificate -In-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

Customs Tariffs and Restrictions Information Integration System >>

8476900090Other parts of machines of heading no.84.76
CIQ Code »999:Automatic vending machines for beverages and similar products (illegal inspection)
Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Usage (Applicable to XX brand XX machines or general XX machines, etc.);3:Brand (in Chinese or in foreign language);4:Model;5:GTIN;6:CAS;7:Other;
Goods under this HS code »
UnitkilogramGen (General Tariff Rate)50MFN (Most-favored Nation)8
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. Imports25Export Tax Rebate13
Regulations & RestrictionsInspection & QuarantineConsumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC Certificate -In-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

Customs Tariffs and Restrictions Information Integration System >>

4911101000Trade advertising material , commercial catalogues and the like of no commercial value
CIQ Code »999:Printed matter (illegal inspection)
Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Usage (of commercial value, no commercial value);3:GTIN;4:CAS;5:Other;
Goods under this HS code »
UnitkilogramGen (General Tariff Rate)0MFN (Most-favored Nation)0
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. ImportsExport Tax Rebate13
Regulations & Restrictions Inspection & QuarantineConsumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC Certificate -In-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

Customs Tariffs and Restrictions Information Integration System >>

8477101090Other working plastics machines
CIQ Code »101:Complete sets of equipment in the electronics industry (illegal inspection) 102:Complete sets of equipment in the chemical industry (illegal inspection) 103:Complete sets of equipment in the light industry (illegal inspection)
Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Usage;3:Function;4:Brand (in Chinese or in foreign language);5:Model;6:Mould clamping force;7:Screw diameter;8:Injection volume;9:Injection speed;10:GTIN;11:CAS;12:Other;
Goods under this HS code »
Unitset/kilogramGen (General Tariff Rate)45MFN (Most-favored Nation)0
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. Imports25Export Tax Rebate13
Regulations & Restrictions Inspection & QuarantineConsumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC Certificate -In-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

Customs Tariffs and Restrictions Information Integration System >>

4707200000Other paper or paperboard made mainly of bleached chemical pulp, not coloured in the mass
CIQ Code »999:Waste paper
Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Category (bleached waste Kraft paper, waste newspaper, etc.);3:State (scraps);4:Origin criteria and mark (USA waste, EU waste, HK waste, etc.);5:Contracting date;6:GTIN;7:CAS;8:Other;
Goods under this HS code »
UnitkilogramGen (General Tariff Rate)8MFN (Most-favored Nation)0
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. ImportsExport Tax Rebate0
Regulations & Restrictions9ABInspection & QuarantineM.P/QConsumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC Certificate -In-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

Customs Tariffs and Restrictions Information Integration System >>

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